The new National Performing Arts Centre is a 141.000 m2 theatre complex built in the Wei-Wu-Ying Metropolitan Park in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. The design includes a concert hall with 2000 seats; an opera house with 2250 seats; a playhouse with 1250 seats; a recital hall of 500 seats and 1000 m2 rehearsal rooms. Additionally an open-air stage is to be built on the roof. Chinese and Taiwanese opera as well as western operas and musicals will be presented in the Opera House.
Peutz is responsible for the design of the electro acoustical equipment. Goals are to achieve good speech intelligibility via electro acoustical systems in the Concert hall, Opera house and Recital hall. The sound system in the Opera house is suitable for musicals. There will be multi use of sound systems from rehearsal rooms, congress. The open air stage will get effect and concert system. The design is supported by acoustic computer simulations of speech intelligibility.